
The Ten Thousand Year Plan of UOCA

  1. Bring Enlightenment via holistic system of balanced spiritual awareness through health, exercise and nutrition by creating the prototype utopia for the planet - Project Eden
  2. Phasing in laws to implement the ten rights and obligations of humanity per the UOCA Manifesto which will form the basis of the UOCA World Constitution for humanity. And must be incorporated into each regional constitution. This will form the charter of basic human rights and assist in the evolution and ascension of humanity spiritually, economically, socially and will form the ultimate only religion for humanity that will be the truth and be proven completely by scientific and mathematical research particularly from physics.
  3. Phasing out of current dogma based religions but keeping them as historical cultural relics to be preserved for historical research purposes into evolution of humanity. All religions to be replaced by the UOCA ascension spiritual path and religion which will incorporate all the major religions into it but be largely based on the Yoga system and scientific research. It will be an evolving religion with no set dogma, bible or text. It will be very similar to the scientific method of proof, hypothesis and analysis. The two methods will become inseparable. As scientific research proves psychic phenomena the more intuitive spiritual sources of UOCA religion will be proven and refined by the scientific method to ensure they are valid, truthful, accurate and testable.
  4. Phase out current system of nation states which are pseudo-democratic and in fact controlled by a capitalist elite. Use current pseudo-democratic political system to reform the government and constitution. If necessary use people power organising a non-cooperation, non-violent reform movement similar to those Gandhi used via WNA collectives set up in all communities across all racial, cultural and religious sectors. Regional governments and parliaments will replace nations on the basis of universal enfranchisement. Former nations will be amalgamated into large Regional governments. Population sizes will vary depending on population densities, geography and culture/ethnicity questions. Congresses will be formed with representatives to determine the size, amalgamation process and geographical make up of each Region. Former nations will democratically vote to determine which region they join if there is conflict in regions bordering each other. Geographical considerations will outweigh ethnic and cultural affiliations in determining which regions nations will join. In some instances former nations may by vote agree to divide to go to different regions if approved by the World Government.
  5. Initially use a reformed version of PROUT (Progressive Utilitarian Theory - formulated by Ananda Marga) based on economic statistical modeling to work with government to restructure the society's economy. There will be a gradual process which places Major industry under government control, medium industry under co-operatives, light industry under co-operatives or limited private ownership with income caps. This will be replaced by UOCA Economic Theory to be developed and evolve from PROUT. Wealth will thus be redistributed to the people as a whole and be generated for the benefit of all. No longer will the class of ultra rich exist. People will be rewarded according to their work output and quality of work rather than through control of capital and ownership of assets used to manipulate and exploit others for profit, however it will provide incentive to innovate and reward for this. This economic system will have similarities to communism, however will be distinctly different in that it will have a spiritual base to it accepting an universal divinity. Unlike the failed communism of the Soviets this system will use market economics, supply and demand and competition to ensure consumer needs are met as well as efficiency - to this extent it will be closer to current Chinese Communism though far better and fairer than this system which is still corrupt, lacks rule of law and has ultrarich. It will also not use violence to achieve any of its purposes. It will be a communism that works and replaces capitalism, because it will be a more efficient, equitable, creative and progressive system than capitalism - in a word it will be a much 'collectively richer' system than capitalism. It will increase the wealth and happiness of humanity throughout the entire planet at a vastly exponentially greater rate than capitalism will ever achieve. It will motivate people to work through love of others not profit or greed. It will end the disgraceful inequities that allow ghettos to coexist with the super rich. It will be accepted for this logical reason. This will be a gradual transition process that is scientifically and economically tested to ensure it is better and produces better results before it is implemented to replace the market capitalist system.
  6. Reform government and constitution giving each party a number of ministerial positions according to the % vote they won at the election - a committee of the parties determines which positions are allocated to each party - the party system will gradually be removed.
  7. New system replacing party political system of representative democracy. Combining for instance all political parties such as Nationals, Republicans, Liberals, Democrats, Labor, Green parties into the Unification Organisation of Collective Ascension (UOCA). Factions will be permitted within UOCA government.
  8. Nations' constitutions will be replaced with New Regional Constitutions with an elected President and may include a senate representing a Confederation of their former Nation's Provinces or States (not Nation state) and local communities; State/ political process to be streamlined to end duplication; Cabinet of Ministers to be elected by all representatives of parliament - eventually by the people via direct vote for candidates.
  9. Phased move from representative to Direct democracy where each human can participate and vote on legislation, rules and regulations at all levels via for instance cipher encoded signature and web cam via retina detection on the Internet on any and all legislation, regulations, committees and policy
  10. Create UOCA World government based on peace to replace the UN with representative elected based on one human one vote. Children over age 12 to receive a half vote. Voting is compulsory for all citizens. Regional governments will remain with their own parliaments formed according to the culture, ethnicity, environment and location specific to their region, but overall power will be with UOCA World. The PROUT model will form the basis of this.
  11. Phasing out of Nation States to be replaced by Regional Governments based on local socio-economic-cultural-environmental needs - see PROUT. These Regional parliaments or Congress will have certain regional specific powers that the World Government's overarching jurisdiction will be limited in order to protect that region's integrity, diversity and inclusivity of its ethnic, cultural, religious heritage.
  12. Reduce ASIO, CIA, MI6 and other intelligence organisations powers to eventually phase out and replace with UOCA World Intelligence. This will be truly an intelligent organisation directly accountable to the World Parliament and closely monitored by independent and parliamentary bodies. It will be under strict guidelines and regulations with severe penalties for breach to ensure it acts legally and is dedicated to the objectives of UOCA. In particular required to act with respect to all life, upholding human rights, human dignity, human freedom, non-violence, where the means to achieve will be put at greater value than the ends to ensure all Earth's citizens are protected by this body and also protected from any misuse within this body's organisation. Its members will be tested and monitored constantly. It will be a requirement that it work in conjunction with every other department so making it a holistic intelligence.
  13. Demilitarise - phasing out all armed forces world wide; initially replacing them with small regional military forces under a combination of control by the region and world government that will be phased out to be replaced by a single UOCA World Peace Keeping Force that is based upon using the most passive and peaceful means in any intervention and only on the basis all other methods have not worked. The members of this force will be scrutinised and tested thoroughly to determine their pacifistic belief system, high moral integrity and loyalty to UOCA's system and its determination to be non-violent. They will be tested to determine that they have an aversion to violence and do not wish to use it such that in any event that they are forced to so act they do so with extreme reluctance and knowing it is against their prime directive. This force will be very closely monitored by various World independent and government bodies with ultimate control resting with the World parliament. The intent behind it will be that it will be phased out and its weaponry and size reduced, in stages as various agreed levels of world peace and socio-spiritual evolution are met.
  14. Remove military weapons - phasing out most dangerous first such as nuclear, chemical, etc.
  15. Disarm population - phasing out most dangerous weapons first such as guns
  16. Police force to be phased out and replaced with UOCA Social Monitors who will be controlled and operate on a regional basis - their prime directive will be assisting the community to responsibly interact and peacefully develop in the principles and practice of UOCA. They will be highly trained in non-violence, social welfare and enforcement. They will have limited powers of enforcement based on similar but less stringent requirements of UOCA's Peacekeepers (see 10.). They will be monitored on a similar but less stringent basis as the Peacekeepers by their regional governments.
  17. Progressive implementation of globalised UOCA world economy. Staged removal of all regional borders and customs controls. Limited protections allowed to protect regional cultural development and heritage including industries that may be lost otherwise.
  18. Phased banning of gambling - worst first. Caps on spending based on individual income.
  19. Phasing out of prostitution to be replaced with Tantric sex education and morality schools. Proper yogic use of sex to be gradually introduced into school curriculums.
  20. Phasing out of private schools. All schools government controlled to ensure social cohesion and prevent elitism. Schools may vary according to regional differences and community differences. Once all religions are replaced with UOCA World Religion then the need for private schools based on religious differences will subside. Yoga to be introduced and incorporated into all teaching modalities.
  21. Phasing out of private media control. All media to be ultimately government-controlled and accountable to the people and monitored by the World Parliament and regional parliaments. The purpose of this is to prevent individual or groups manipulating or profiting off the people through control of media. Nevertheless it is crucial that the media be independent and considered a fourth voice in government as they are the means of educating and informing the people about what is going on. There must be strong safeguards to protect the independence, ability to investigate freely and be assisted in doing so by the media. There must be strict regulation to ensure the media is truthful and does not produce fake and misleading news. Social influencers through social media must be under similar control as will be their providers.
  22. Phasing out of private enterprise. All business controlled by government - local, regional, world.
  23. Initially this will follow the PROUT model of limited private ownership which will be phased out.
  24. Campaigns to bring population over to vegetarianism then vegan and reduce meat consumption
  25. Phased removal of genetic manufactured food, pesticides, fertilisers that are not organic; phasing out most toxic first
  26. Replace and invent alternative engine to combustion that is non-polluting such as electric and hydrogen. Invest in research to invent better machines.
  27. Phase out harmful electromagnetic radiation from population areas by inventing alternatives or methods of reduction
  28. Buildings including housing, offices, industry must be ergonomic, environmentally ecological and sustainable reducing carbon footprint and saving energy, water, and incorporating their own eco-system, energy generation, recycling and purification. Must be in harmony with nature and socially positive to humans and ecosystem.
  29. Phasing out of all polluting factories, plants or industries whether chemical, mineral, textile, electronic or any other - most toxic first to replace with environmentally sustainable low carbon emission and non-polluting plants or operations.
  30. Phasing out of all greenhouse gas emitting machines including all fossil fuels - worst first such as coal, then oil, then gas
  31. Energy production to be renewable, sustainable and non-polluting such as solar, wind or hydro.
  32. Energy usage to be reduced by more efficient machines
  33. Phasing out of nuclear power stations due to radioactive waste and development of fusion power
  34. Laws to prohibit animal slaughter, hunting, harvesting and farming; phased in with the most cruel removed first - this will also reduce methane
  35. Gradual prohibition of all drugs and progressively in order currently legal drugs or intoxicants or stimulants - cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, tea and chocolate
  36. Progressively meat and animal products made illegal - most cruel banned first
  37. Phase out violence/ pornography on TV/film, print and computer games/internet – all forms of media
  38. Phased development of AI and robotic technology to enhance human technology and civilisation with view to replace most dangerous, repetitive, demeaning and low skill jobs with robotics and AI 
  39. Campaigns to increase % of rawfood consumed by the population, eventually making it a legal requirement to consume at least 25% rawfood.
  40. Pharmaceuticals to be closely scrutinised and most toxic phased out first
  41. Progressively sugar products to be phased out and made illegal
  42. Refined processed food products phased out - most toxic first and made illegal
  43. All primary production to be organic, sustainable and improving the environment habitat
  44. Purify water system through biological filtration – remove fluoride and chlorine
  45. Phased end of immunisation programmes
  46. Phased end of animal testing
  47. Begin intensive deconditioning of population using UOCA holistic mind/body techniques and practices
  48. Progressively more stringent laws against swearing, abusive behaviour and violence
  49. Phase in legal requirement to eat 50% rawfood
  50. Phasing out all prisons and detention centres to be replaced with UOCA rehabilitation health centres. Phase in detoxing, re-education and rehabilitation facilities for criminals and social deviants realising it is due to a mental and physical health disorder
  51. Transition to non-profit local collectives
  52. Staged increase in legal requirement to consume 75% rawfood
  53. Phased in end to negative speech and thoughts using UOCA mind techniques
  54. Cooking food in any way made illegal with offenders rehabilitated - those unable to be rehabilitated are to be ostracised to regions where they can behave as they wish without restraint and can suffer the karmic consequences of their choices
  55. Symbolic translation to higher self - light bodies and 8th plus dimensions using breatharian system that will be only instituted and practised after scientific and medical research proves this evolution and transcendence of the human consciousness to be safe, beneficial and cannot cause harm.

Not necessarily in the following order.


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