

Unification Organisation of Ascension UOCA

For more about UOCA go to Or see the ezine, for retreats go to

Help start a RAWFOODS
Naturalist Healing

Help create this dream heaven in our tropics and so ascend to our angelic being.
Begin the path to become liberated from suffering and return to our true god state.

1. Do you know of a place?

We know of a tropical rainforest haven where this adventure can begin. Far North Queensland in Australia, near the port city of Cairns. Safe, modern, democratic, English speaking and Westernized with the ideal climate for living on raw foods. And the glorious Great Barrier Reef..

2. Let us come together.

Are you moving towards rawfoods, are you spiritual, are you free to come and live in paradise, can you work for this VISION? Do you have skills as a healer, natural therapist, scientist, researcher, architect, environmentalist, administrator, builder, plumber, electrician, carpenter, labourer, gardener, webdesigner or any other skill?

3. Would you like to become part of this?

Would you like to invest in this PROJECT to transform the planet and evolve humanity? Even if you cannot directly participate, you can help fund or supply materials to this NON-PROFIT venture.

CONTACT: UOCA for more information and/or the detailed business plan.
AUSTRALIA Worldwide Network of Ascension

 Alternative news EZINE web site

by UOCA Published by Enligtenart All rights Reserved, including copyright of this publication are the ownership of Enligtenart. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the express written permission of Enligtenart.  2016


Made in Australia by

Project Eden

The Community

This is about a rawfood’s community in harmony with nature in the rainforest of deep north Tropical Queensland in Australia. A healing and teaching centre would be included based on alternative healing techniques. A research school would be established which would use state of the art hi-tech scientific research methods supported by government grants, JCU university research faculties into bio-molecular, biochemical, genetics, metabolism enzyme action, endocrinology, and nutrition effects of raw food diet and curing of degenerative diseases, statistically analysed and case controlled.

An environmental conservation centre in which techniques would be taught and used to promote ecological sustainability in the local community – organic fruit orchards, vegetable gardens following permaculture methods. Alternative energy sources would be promoted such as solar, wind and wave generators of power. Low energy devices and EPA low noise producing machines using and emitting minimum pollutants would be encouraged and possibly developed. Solar vehicles, electric mowers, etc. Building and design would be incorporating natural fibres and climate merging into the rainforest greenery and beachfront.

The community would have a nudist culture and include for accommodation an eco-sustainable hotel, rainforest lodges and for dietics a cordon bleu Rawfood Restaurant, Café, Juice Bar, gift shop, organic health food shop and grocery.

Rawfoods is the lowest environmental impact diet on the planet, uses minimum resources and energy to produce and sustain. Agricultural harvesting could be reduced by at least 100 times if all humans became rawfooders. WE could return this planet to the Garden of Eden it was before civilisation has near destroyed it, if rawfoods became humanities basic diet. Improved health, reduced aging, increased vitality would massively reduce the welfare and medical burden on society so allowing billions of dollars of resources to be spent on a toxic and pollution free environment. The connection to reduced aggression by eating rawfoods could end all wars and minimise domestic and civil violence and disputes. Thus military and police forces could be drastically curtailed with more financial savings. Recreation, creativity, art and scientific innovation would become the main focus of a new age of peaceful humanity where we become non-separate soul partners on a journey to unity of spirit.

Note: Project Eden will endeavour to be non-profit community organisation incorporated as a trust with a Constitution protecting the rights and ideals of the Project and those contributing to its creation.

Mission Statement

Motto – Truth, Justice and Purity (of mind, body and spirit)

Through happiness as a daily path creating our dream of an utopia in the tropics so returning humanity to the Garden of Eden with the health of the gods. Enthusiasm through joy will build this natural community to heal mankind of degenerative diseases and provide by the tools of scientific research the means to alter the collective consciousness of society to raw foods, good health and a clean environment, ‘one for all and all for one’.

Project Eden Time Framework

1. Attaining funding from private and government sectors
2. Attaining land
3. Building premises
4. Employing people
5. Starting retreats
6. Creating research school
7. Expanding community living
8. Government approval for college of Immortality
9. Building of college and kindergarten, primary and secondary school
10. Opening tourist facilities / theme park
11. Construction of Worldwide Network Headquarters of Ascension
12. Construction of Garden of Eden World Holistic Lifestyle Community
13. Liaising with future Cape York Space Port and NASA for Sustainable Interplanetary Domed Communities Research Facility; “raw foods in space – the only choice”

YEARS for each item above.
  1. 0-2
  2. 6 mth – 2
  3. 6 mth – 2
  4. 6 mth – 2
  5. 1 - 2
  6. 1 - 2
  7. 2 - 3
  8. 2 - 3
  9. 3 - 6
  10. 4 - 8
  11. 5 - 10
  12. 7 +
  13. 14+

Proposed Board of Advisors

For further details email

Product and Services
1. Package Health Retreats

1. R&R Retreat
2. Healthy Living Programme
3. Accommodation fees

2. Ascendance Meditation and Spiritual Centre

1. Classes
2. Relaxation
3. Vipassana retreats by donation
4. Positivity Centre
6. Singles club

3. Hygienic Health Centre

1. Memberships
2. Consultations
3. Massage
4. Yoga classes and school
5. Alternative Medicine Therapies
6. Hydrotherapy
7. Sauna and Spa
8. Gym
9. Courses
10. Conferences
11. Seminars
12. Lectures on body, mind, spirit

4. Magazine

1. Advertising
2. Subscription
3. Internet

5. Artscentre

1. Art in Life Tropics Club
2. Music tuition
3. Concerts
4. Courses
5. Training
6. Dance for Health parties and courses
7. Painting, sculpture, drawing, pottery and other art forms
8. Classes

6. Envirocentre

1. Tropical fruit experimentation programme (affiliate with Findahorn, Scotland)
2. Australian Native Bush tucker programme
3. Natural Fibre Tropical Building programme
4. Living in Harmony in the Rainforest (Wet Tropics) Research Society
5. Naturalist Environment Conservation Organisation
6. Courses
7. Entry fees
8. Themepark
9. Tourists

7. Food

1. Sales from a cordon bleu Rawfood Restaurant, Café, Juice Bar, gift shop, organic health food shop and grocery.
2. Ascension food products and drinks
3. Health Store in Port Douglas

8. Rawfoods Research Health School of Immortality
1. Grants for funding
2. Selling research to government, universities, private enterprise and research data libraries – Cochran and Medline, etc
3. Conferences and lectures
4. Hi-tech medical scientific research
  • 1. Rawfood Mental Health Research analysis programme
    2. Sexual performance enhancement and sterility research
    3. Molecular biology research
    4. Tropical fruit research unit
    5. Indigenous plants medical properties
    6. Analysis of sea-plants healing effects
    7. Rawfood Cancer Clinic
    8. Rawfood Heart Disease Clinic
    9. Rawfood Drug Detoxification and Rehabilitation Centre
    10. Rawfood to Breatharian Research Foundation
    11. Future interplanetary domed sustainable life research programme
9. College of Immortality and Teacher Training

1. fees from courses
2. Natural Hygiene School - Certificates and Diplomas
3. Spiritual Realisation Academy

10. Franchises

To be offered to prospective members and businesses in all of the above areas.

Market Research

Questionnaire to rawfooders on-line
Survey with health specialists


John Fielder’s Health Retreat Closey River
Hypocrites Centre, Gold Coast
The Retreat, Kyogle (7th Day Adventist)
Hepburn Health Retreats, Daylesford

Promotion and Marketing

A. Admin

1. Business card to be produced
2. Marketing companies have been consulted and one meeting has been attended

B. Media

1. Rawfood magazines, newsletters and internet sites such as and Living Nutrition Magazine and the Hygienic Community Network. Link to,, and
2. Vegetarian and vegan societies in Australia and world wide - Queensland has already been contacted and said they will advertise for free.
3.  Living Nutrition and the Hygienic Community and will advertise in their magazine.
4. Articles and letters to the editor are being written for magazines (see TIME May) and newspapers in raw foods, health and local media in Cairns.
5. TV and radio stations with a community of health programme will be contacted for interviews.
6. TMMAG.COM.AU ezine will advertise and promote the community and project

C. Academic

JCU and TNQ TAFE will be contacted about seminars, articles, research connections and grants.
  1. Meleofa Malola, Nutritionalist and author of The Fruits We Eat, Roma Primary Health Care Unit, St George Health Service, PO Box 602, St George, Qld. 4487.
  2. ∑ Australian Centre for Agricultural Research (Bradbury and Holloway 88; Chemical Tropical Root Crops)
  3. ∑ University of South Pacific – Bill Aalbersberg
  4. ∑ Australian Government Analytical Laboratory
  5. ∑ Institute of Applied Science
  6. ∑ Secretariat of the Pacific Commission, BP D5 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia (T.Osborne and Jimaima Tunidou-Schultz, Lifestyle Health Advisor)
  7. ∑ Food Research – Infoods
  8. ∑ Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (ACP/EU), Wageningen, Netherlands (funder)

D. Other Promotion

I. Raw fooders

  1. ß Posters have been displayed in public places and at health providers shops and clinics. Leaflets will be distributed to these places.
  2. ß Rawfooders in Cairns will be informed at a general meeting potluck picnics at the Botanic Gardens. Open days, workshops promoting the idea and rawfoods to be organized with Spiritual Centre.
  3. ß Raw Passion seminars to be affiliated with
  4. ß Promoted at Healthful Living International conferences and other rawfood events.
  5. ß John Fielder cross fertilize with to bring together rawfooders
  6. ß Sapoty Brook’s business reciprocal agreements including mobile phones
  7. ß Seventh Day Adventists in Kin Kin and Kyogle connect to about reciprocal advertising and services
  8. ß Form agreements with ‘big names in raw foods’

II. Alternative Health
  1. ß Osho Mevlana and Samaya to form a connection for promotion
  2. ß Breath Connection near Nimbin link up services
  3. ß Affiliate with Findahorn, Scotland
  4. ß Affiliate to Nudist Societies and singles clubs
  5. ß Link to Bundagen ( Carolla’s Body Mind Centering School) and Crystal Waters alternative communities for promotion, advice and investment
  6. ß Link to health centre of Alex in Port Douglas
  7. ß Link to Byron Bay alternative health scene for promotion

III. Yoga
  1. ß Form link with Lyn Thomas, Yoga teacher in Brisbane
  2. ß Yoga, meditation, Buddhist and other spiritual centers will be contacted to promote and liaise with us
  3. ß Liaise with Satyananda Yoga for advertising reciprocal via Gangashwarra
  4. ß Yoga in Daily Life form a relationship with
  5. ß Self-realisation Fellowship of Paramahansa Yogananda to attempt to gain affiliation with and funding
  6. ß Connect to Iyenga and Ashtanga Yoga practitioners to promote - Nikki and Susi in Cairns
  7. ß Develop spiritual connections to Hare Krisna movement of ISKON
  8. ß Link to Gayattri in Melbourne Satyananda
  9. ß Link to Canberra Satyananda

IV. Religious

ß From links to religious and spiritual organisations including Christian churches

V. Environment

1. Canberra Greens and others make links to enviro-centre and assist in political changes
2. Link to permaculture community groups through COEV and others
3. Organic fruit growers community group liaise

VI. Business
  1. ß Connect to health resorts for promotion around Cairns including Angsana Spa Resort in Palm Cove, Debbie Turner
  2. ß Connect to other businesses in Cairns where promotion could be possible including most resorts and hotels

Investment and Funding

1. Eco-village and health resorts will be approached for joint venture initiative
2. Funding will be advertised for with the promotion (see above)
3. Chamber of Commerce and the Cairns Regional Economic Development Corporation will be consulted about funding and grants possibly in a syndicate with other businesses and investors.
4. Universities, TAFEs and the Health Department Federal and State will be approached for funding liaising with for research outcomes and preventative health strategies in the tropics. Esal Telini, Assoc Prof Nutrition at JCU is being consulted.
5. The Reef Casino fund for community projects is being applied for (requires incorporation).
6. Eric Storm’s Trust fund for grant
7. Self-realisation Fellowship of Paramahansa Yogananda to attempt to gain affiliation with and funding
8. Kevla and Kim from Canberra attain funding for property purchase
9. COEV officer Geoff Holland is being contacted to gain assistance with grants for the project

  1. Land being sought from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that has been neglected and in need of rehabilitation that can be used for non-profit purposes. Andrew Hayes at Cape York Natural Heritage Commission has been contacted in relation to a grant and land. Geoff Holland at COEV will be contacted about supporting community development.
  2. Envirofund approached about a government grant to improve native species on land.
  3. Real estate agents have been consulted in Cooktown, Port Douglas and Cairns about suitable properties (see appendix). A plan and requirements has been produced for the community.
  4. Eric Krohn offered use of his land at Mission Beach to start a community. An envirofund application for $30,000 to assist the Project may be lodged to revegetate his property.
  5. Application for permit to purchase may be submitted to DNR&M via State Land through Anne Myers for Lot 4 USL8462 located north of Bauer Inlet on Weary Bay, 211 hectares of moderate vegetation bordering a intermittent lake and beach between Friz and Gap Creek about 7kms north of Ayton, borders Cedar Bay National Park. Access may be a problem but could be negotiated with the owner of Auravale who I know and Cooktown Council, or across Bauer Inlet. Application for purchase takes up to 18 months, but could be accelerated. Other land is being investigated with local councils.
  6. Home Rules near Rossville could be excellent as it has already been set up as a low cost resort and is isolated and in rainforest. The owners are getting old and their business is not profitable at the moment.
  7. John Fielder has a property at Closhey River near Kuranda that may be suitable as he has set it up with organic orchards for rawfooders and he is getting quite old and may have difficulties continuing to manage it. Perhaps some sort of joint venture could be established with him.
  8. Other places are the Daintree but otherwise Julatten, North of Mossman, before Mount Carbine may be most suitable in price, location and climate.
  9. Alan Simpson at Cairns City Council has been contacted and may try to locate land suitable near Cairns, perhaps near Brimstead south of Cairns.


1. rainforest
2. acerage at least 100, preferably 400 (200 hectares).
3. orchards
4. houses
5. resort
6. health centre
7. farm equipment
8. beach
9. river
10. isolated
11. all weather access
12. airport nearby

Staff and Contracted service providers

1. Community members and others should provide most of the labour and are being sought (see Promotion)

2. Yoga centre to be run by rawfooders - (to be approached: Gangeshwarra and Nikki if possible).

3. WWOOF to provide labour volunteers

Legal and Contractual Requirements

1. Organise and write constitution based on standard form documents to be obtained from solicitors based on co-operative democratic processes of consensus management
2. Trust deeds to be obtained
3. Create a property fund
4. Licences for community and health resort and shops to be obtained
5. Insurance public liability and other to be obtained
6. List of regulations on community to be drawn up and obtained from other similar establishments
7. Teaching centre to gain government approval
8. Trade marks protect and any inventions patent
9. Research centre to gain government approval


1. Vehicles

2. Administration
Information technology systems

3. Property
Orchards and Vegetable gardens

4. Utilities



TO liaise with JCU medical school and biomolecular and nutrition faculties in the Science Schools. Contacting Prof Norman Palmer PhD pro vice chancellor research and nutritional biochemist and Esal Telini, Assoc Prof in nutrition at JCU to gain his support for scientific research programme.
Health Department Federal and State will be approached for funding liaising with for research outcomes and preventative health strategies in the tropics.

Scientifically monitored experimental testing of all variables is envisaged, through use of controls and groups in triple blind run-offs. ie. Patients and Controllers will not know which groups are control or experiment. One group is to be 100% organic fruitarian, two group 100% organic rawfoods including vegetables, three group 100% rawfoods non-organic, four group 95% rawfoods organic, five group 80% rawfoods mix organic and non, six group 50% rawfoods, seven group 35% rawfoods, eight group 10% rawfoods, nine group 100% cooked. Cooked food will be macrobiotic vegan for groups four to five. Lacto-vegetarian for groups six. Raw to lightly cooked fish included for group seven, medium white meats cooked included for group eight and mixed well done for group nine. Eventually each group will be sub-divided to trial sample each different cooked diet above.

Research Hypothesis of potential benefits for humanity:-

A. Immortality

I. Soma (chromosomes, lycosomes, ribosomes, etc) in cells regenerated by raw foods diet
II. Reduction of food intake increases longevity
III. Cooking food creates carcinogenic free radicals / reducing nutrients / denaturing reaction compounds
IV. Caramelisation of soma in cells due to accumulation of fat and sugar
V. Enzyme systems synergy research in digestive tract – enzyme stomach, total enzyme potential
VI. Effect of raw foods on degenerative diseases and immune system response
VII. Diabetes and sugar levels - enzyme replacement of insulin
VIII. Arthritis and effects of enterocyte enzymes
IX. Micro-nutrient effect on health and protective factors in plants - Sapody’s CaPNaK balance system
X. Millaird Reaction, N-nitrosamines, Oxysterols, PAH and HCA’s as mutogens and metabolic and carcinogenic implications
XI. Cardiovascular, strokes, hypertension and asthmatic effects of rawfoods

B. Purification and Happiness

I. Raw foods effect on reducing depression and other mental illnesses – ie. Paw Paw’s carpaine acting as a relaxant (Inglett 79)
II. Analysis of diet effects to see if reduction in violent behaviour both domestically and on all social levels – determine if diet transforms peoples behaviour by alteration in chemical hormonal balance in body affecting aggression areas of the brain..
III. Allowing of quicker digestion by raw foods effect on metabolism and total energy of a system organism
IV. Removal of heavy loading on body effects on digestive tract and endocrine system
V. Process system of detoxification of impurities on a rawfood diet built up by cooked and processed foods and chemicals including pollutants breathed in.

Project Eden Research School

Research areas for further investigation:

Raw Logic

In June 2002 a Swedish scientific research team found 500 times above the UN safe limit for a carcinogen contained in an ordinary packet of chips. Does it matter? Do we care? Should we investigate it further or just ignore that shelf in the supermarket for a couple of weeks? Food for thought in the third millennium.

Lionel Raymond Murray’s book Raw Logic Panther, [2000] PO box 750 Woden ACT 2606.

Murray, an organic chemist at ANU, after a bout of cancer started to question his diet and the causes of disease. He read Raw Energy (Kenton, 86) which led to systematic research of the scientific evidence on diet and disease causation. Increasingly his research became a dissertation on for and against cooking food. The results of his extensive research are found in his book.

I have attempted merely to summarise the more relevant hard scientific research, theories and results of his findings below in five sections; which I feel more logically follows from his work (which he divides into four). I have not attempted to critique his book, which does show a degree of objectivity by revealing research not supporting his thesis, though there is a degree of bias towards his conclusions which is to be expected in a book for the public. Please note the highlighted in bold passages are disputed by Murray who is fairly bad tempered like most chemists, as being an incorrect interpretation of the scientific data, however in my correspondence with him he did not explain why so I leave it for you to make your own conclusions by purchasing his book. For those wanting a taste of hard scientific evidence to weigh up the merits of a raw food diet and to determine if there is a connection to disease, please read on.

1. Western culture and traditional societies diets –

Murray discusses the cultural history of cooking in Western civilisation and how it evolved to replace natural raw foods. In Nurition and Physical Degeneration, Price 1939 the diet of Western and traditional peoples were compared. Tribal people examined showed no western diseases in diets where:
  • ∑ Anti-oxidant vitamins much greater
  • ∑ Most subsisted mainly on plant foods, much rawfood and no processed foods.
  • ∑ Ca, P, Mg, Fe and fat-soluble vitamins were up to 50 times more than in the West

Leaf (73) and Gleeson (87) examined centenarians (people living over 100). There were 63 per 100,000 people in Azerbaijan and 3 per 100,000 in the USA. He concludes the diet of 70% plant matter containing mostly unprocessed food and 1800 calories intake per day on average of these old people was a deciding factor in longevity, along with extended community, exercise and clean air.
Trowell and Burkitt in 1981 showed aboriginal disease increased five times after adopting a Western diet.

2. Harm from cooking

McCarrison in 1920 put monkeys on a cooked food diet of mostly rice, most died within 15-70 days, those fed onions as well lasted longer.

Pottinger (83) in 1930s fed cooked and raw food to cats. The cooked food cats developed infections, long bones, inflammations, allergies, abortions, etc which were not observed with the raw food cats.

Colorectal Cancer
Muscat and Wynder in 1994 found no association between well and medium cooked meat and this cancer. But Murray states polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines (HCA) form on the cooking of meat at high temperatures and are mutogenic, that is permanently change genetic material known to be carcinogenic. Probst-Hensch (97) found a 2.2 statistical correlation (referred to herein as 'ratio' - this is not a multiple ratio more likely of an event but a statistical correlation based on the odds ratio of the septile of the event in carcenogenic adenomas in those eating well done meat. Gerhardsson de Verdier (91) found meat cooked at higher temperatures showed correlations of 2.8 in colon and 6.0 in rectal cancers. Parnaud and Corpet (97) reviewed many studies including those that found more rats got cancer on vegetables than meat, but low fat and low protein diets gave less cancer. However 22 of 29 Case Controlled studies concluded meat was a dietary risk factor. Voskuil (97) proposed more research into DNA mutations. Kampman (99) found DNA carcinogen metabolising genes and HCA intake were not associated in colon cancer. The Working Group UK department of Health 1998 stated red processed meat increases colorectal cancer.

Breast Cancer
HCAs are 3.34 odds ratio giving a strong association to breast cancer; De Stefani 97. But Ambrosone (98) disagreed, Snyderwine (98) said it was unknown if HCA has an effect. But Zheng in ‘98 found a 4.62 ratio more incidences in well done and increased meat consumption.

Lung Cancer
Denco-Pellegrini (96) found red meat, beef, fried meat and saturated fat significantly increase risk.

Stomach Cancer
Ward (97) found high red meat cooking doneness increased cancer.

Byrne (98) has tried to standardise HCA results. The 98 UK Department of Health Report said 90g cooked meat recommended, over 140g cooked weight is dangerous - Australians consume 230g (uncooked weight) per day on average. They recommended increased fruit and vegetable consumption to five servings per day.


Skurikhin (85) found 6-12% loss of protein, fat and carbohydrate occurs on cooking and 10-60% loss of micronutrients ie. vitamins and minerals (soluble). Murray charts this on page 45 and 53.


Heating fats gave rise to oxidation causing polymers and peroxides which are toxic; Lang 70.


High temperature cooking creates HCAs that are toxic and carcinogenic, particularly in animal protein. Heat destroys the biological activity and the enzymes digestive potential by breaking the folding that allows it to link to molecules substrates and react with them – denaturation; Wang 95. Tryplophan at high temperatures degrades to carboline which has given cancer to mice; Freidman 88 and LAL lysinalinine synthetic found in processed protein food (pre-cooked breakfast cereals) is biologically active and caused kidney damage to rats but was not mutagenic; Pfaender 83. However Friedman (92) said the effects of LAL must be overcome.


Fenech 93 found cooking gave rise to toxic furfural and glyoxal which were genotoxic, formed by pyrolysis from sugars and starch – volatiles from caramelised products.


Cooking in water dissolves vitamin C and B and causes degradation of 10-100% of vitamins – on average 65%; Murray p.53 examines and charts 9 research papers.


They are unaffected by cooking, but some are soluble so leached out on boiling.

Plant Protection Factors

These anti-cancer agents in plant foods, such as isothiocyanates, oleic acid (olive oil) and B carotene are degraded significantly by cooking; Murray p.55.

Maillard Reaction

Browning on cooking causes a decrease in amino acid survival in particular lysine. Reaction compounds form that decrease digestibility, cause protein damage and nutrient loss. Clastogenicity arose causing chromosome breaks in ovary cells of hamsters; McGregor 89. Kim (91) found substances that combine with active oxygen in the reaction mixture added to heated glucose and amino acids reduced mutogenicity. Friedman (91) suggested anti-oxidants to reduce harmful reaction compounds and toxins. Wedzicha (91) said sulphites can inhibit Maillard reaction but their reaction products may be toxic. Yen in 1992 connected heating to increased mutagenic activity in some products but decreased in others. Fujimoto in 1995 discovered hydroperoxides (a Maillard byproduct) and suggested they may cause pathogenesis and lesions in hyperglycemia.

However Chuyen in 1998 said the Maillard reaction maybe beneficial, increasing anti-oxidants, reducing mutagens, and benefiting protein complexes.

Murray concludes mixing and cooking foods to the point of browning them creates many reaction products which are potentially harmful and toxic.

Ascorbate Browning

Sodium ascorbate added to food ie. baked breads, causes a browning which increases toxic mutagens. Protein degradation caused growth inhibition in mice; Friedman 87.


These were shown to be carcinogenic in smoked, pickled, preserved dried by gas and packaged in rubber food products; Tricker 91.

Heterocyclic Amines (HCA)

HCA formation has been linked to greater length and temperature of cooking meat; Knize 94. Nitrogen rich foods heated to high temperature form HCAs from amino acids and creatine. HCAs have to be modified by enzymes before they react with nucleic acids so becoming carcinogenic mutagens. Sinha 1994, found that high temperature cooking of meat induced the enzyme that activates the HCA making it mutogenic. Stavric in 1994 rejected animal studies saying 0.5-3 million times the level of HCA was used in the experiments compared to human levels. Layton (95) said HCA and cancer risk to humans was insignificant. Gooderham (97) showed the major metabolic pathway of HCA was by means of the enzyme CYP1A2. A mutational fingerprint was induced by the HCA in rats.

Pence (98) found rats had high colon cancer rates with high HCA intake, but only in combination with a low fat diet - high fat reduced tumours. Oguri (98) found anti-oxidants such as green tea. flavonoids, and caffeic acid, reduce levels of HCA in cooking. Davies (95) found amine beef to assist absorption of HCAs causing mutagenic activity in human livers. Augustsson (99) found HCA intakes of colon and rectal cancer patients lower than controls. [This anomaly may be explained I believe on the basis that the study did not consider if the patients may have altered their diet removing HCA toxic foods to reduce risks after getting cancer]. Forman (99) suggests cancer mutations do not match those produced by HCA. However he says enzymes CYP1A2 and NAT2 activate HCA which depending on the metabolic states of individuals may cause colorectal cancer. Felton (99) researched microwaving and reported if done before frying mutagenic activity was reduced up to 95% and HCAs decreased up to nine fold.

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)

These nasties are created by charcoal and woodfires in smoke. Chocolate, bread and pizzas also contain PAHs. Lijinsky associated them with cancer in 1991. Guillen in 1997 referred to an ‘induced enzyme system’ which biotransforms PAH to an active form and varies in effect depending on each individual’s induced enzyme system. So making the effects of PAH toxicity depend on the individual.

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)

These nasties are created by charcoal and woodfires in smoke. Chocolate, bread and pizzas also contain PAHs. Lijinsky associated them with cancer in 1991. Guillen in 1997 referred to an ‘induced enzyme system’ which biotransforms PAH to an active form and varies in effect depending on each individual’s induced enzyme system. So making the effects of PAH toxicity depend on the individual.


These form when cholesterol reacts with oxygen on increasing heat. Fioriti (67) found auto-oxidation products on heating cholesterol. Dairy food and butter were high in oxysterols; Nielson 96. Hubbard (89) connected this to artherosclerosis, but Brown (99) disagreed. Has been linked to eye cataracts, cardiovascular degeneration and carcinogenisis; Girao 98, Kendler 97, Smith 89. But Woods (98) said not genotoxic.

Rabbits on 1% oxidised cholesterol had a 64% increase of cholesterol in their aortas. Lipoproteins atherogenicity is affected by oxysterols; Vine 98.

Effect on behaviour

Beta endorphin levels rise after eating acting as a pain reducer; Matsumura 82. Food appears to affect cognitive performance; Bellisle 98. Hyperactive behaviour was connected to food in particular salicylate allergies; Stewart 87. Reaction products could affect compulsive behaviour. Dressler in 1990 linked emotional behaviour such as violence to an imbalance in neuro-transmitters which are controlled by enzymes in food chemicals. Murray suggests that a 10% nutrient loss combined with toxic degradation products on cooking could cause behavioural changes.

Wild Animals

1.5% of animals at San Diego Zoo died of neo-plasms (cancer) whereas 16% of humans do; Effron 77. Leader in 1975 states arthritis is lower in animals and western degenerative diseases are rare, however he gives no definite research. The lack of degenerative disease could therefore be due to reduced life span due to natural selection in the wild not present in human society, although Murray strongly refutes this. Evidence of human life spans increasing dramatically over the course of civilization suggests that before this when life expectancy was much lower due to natural selection, there may have been little degenerative diseases, because the body had biologically evolved not to degenerate until the age it was expected to die. Therefore disease could be more related to genetic ageing of cells than diet. Wild animals therefore would not show much degenerative diseases because they are living on average the length of life expected before ageing would set in as dictated by natural selection.

Murray on commenting to me on this point said that wild animals do get degenerative diseases before they reach their expected life span when fed a cooked artificial diet. He therefore rather simplistically says life expectancy is 'a red herring' in causing degenerative disease.


Polynesian foods have been found to be anti-mutagenic for their unprocessed fruit and vegetable content; Botting 1999.


Digestive Tract Cancer
20-80% reduction occurred in high fruit diet patients; Winn 95. Carotenes rich in vitamin A had a significant protective effect; Franco 89. Cabbage also for oesophageal cancer; Herbert 93. In general fruit and vegetables protected smokers from laryngeal cancer; Riboli 96.

Nair in 1994 found vegetarians had less gastro-intestinal cancer. Tomatoes raw offer protection; Franceschi 94. Raw vegetables rich in vitamin C and carotene significantly reduce stomach cancer; Boeing 91. Murray confirms this by referring to six other studies all in different countries p.82. Diversity of diet especially in fruit and vegetables reduces stomach cancer. Colon cancer risk consistently can be protected from by vegetables like salads (0.29 odds reduction) and cuciferous vegetables; Young 88. Giovannucci (94) found no association between fibre and vegetable intake and colon cancer, but 3.57 ratio increase for red meat eaters over 5 helpings per week to those eating less than one per month. However both Lee (89) and Thun (92) disagreed showing 0.5 protective effect by cruciferous vegetables. Steinmetz and Potter (93) found eggs increased colon cancer risk in females. The odds ratio for the highest septile of consumption being 6.3! Onions and legumes for women reduced it by 0.5, raw fruit and cabbage by 0.75, garlic 0.68. Kampman (95) found vegetables gave 0.4 reduction. Vegetable fibre gave 0.5 protection and inverse relationship to fruit and vegetable consumption and cancer risk; Ghadirian 97.

Breast Cancer
Walker (95) linked consumption of low energy diets with low mono-unsaturated fats and high fibre fruit and vegetable intake and unprotected sex of African women to a cancer rate of 1 in 15,000 compared to in the US of 1 in 8. Murray lists a table of 6 reports five of which show raw food in particular carotene as offering a 40-60% protection p.84.

Pancreatic Cancer
Gold (85) and Bueno (91) show raw vegetables and fruit significantly reduce risk in case controlled studies (CC). Cuciferous cooked vegetables also protected. Ghadirian (91) found egg, milk and meat increased risk. Lyon found in ‘93 women only were protected by vegetable fibre 0.28. Howe in ’96 say to date results are inconclusive.

Prostate Cancer
Soy products decrease cancer risk according to Kennedy (95). Weisburger (98) found tomatoes acted as lycopene anti-oxidants especially if cooked lightly in oil. Tea had similar effects. Coghlan (99) found boiling softens cells in carrots, allowing five times better absorption of carotenoids which protects against disease, however the protective effect of the carotene is partially destroyed by cooking.

Lung Cancer
Raw vegetables gave significant protection in a CC study in Japan of ex-smokers; Goa 93. Candelora (92) found carotene gave 0.3 risk reduction. Risk halved by high vegetable consumers in an Ohio prospective study (PS); Steinmetz 93. Banana, pumpkin, onions were great protectors in Indian CC; Sankaranarayanan 94. Green vegetables and carrots not consumed at all by smokers increased risk by three times; Pisani 96.

Other Cancers
Vulvar cancer investigated by Parazzini (95) was inversely related to the consumption of green vegetables and carrots. Thyroid cancer showed protection 0.6 odds ratio for raw fruit and vegetables in particular greens, carrots, citrus; Franceschi 91. Renal cancer was protected from by apples and citrus fruit; Lindblad 97.

General Results
0.2-0.5 protection from cancer by consuming fruit and vegetables; Tavani 95. In a 13.8 year study of 2,000 people 0.5 protection factor was found for fruit in Wales; Hertog 96. On a large range of cancers a statistically significant effect was found for high fruit and vegetable consumption and lower cancer rates, it was suggested a public health education programme was necessary; Block 92. The UK Department of Health 98 working group report recommended increasing fruit and vegetable intake to reduce cancer risk.

Heart Disease
11,000 people in 12 year study of vegetarians showed ischaemic heart disease significantly lower; Burr and Butland 98. Verlangieri (85) in a study of US mortality rates confirmed this as did Singh (92) in a CC where 400g of fruit and vegetables was given prior to every meal.
Visioli (94) revealed olive oil decreased risk by inhibiting lipoprotein oxidation and Rimm (96) exposed cereal dietary fibre as most beneficial, more than fruit and vegetable fibre.
Parodi (97) found folic acid from fruit and vegetables (F&V) depressed plasma homocysteine
levels in cholesterol and fats suggesting low heart disease in the rich French diet due to F&V consumption being high.

Ness (97) found strong protection in a review of 45 studies of F&V intake and strokes. Keli (96) found anti-oxidants and flavinoids (particularly in black tea) and beta carotene gave strong protection, but not vitamins E and C.

Rouse in 1984 researched vegetarians and found lower blood pressure. Raw food had same effect; Douglass 85.

7th Day Adventists taken over 21 years of 26,000 found 50% less diabetes in vegetarians. Cerutti (87) found diets rich in vegetable fibre lowered insulin use but may effect absorption of minor elements.

Green vegetables and tomatoes may protect; Barker 86.

Coconut oil is used for rheumatic pain relief in Pacific Islands; Cambie and Ash 94.
Fasting improves condition and food allergies could worsen it; Buchanan 91. Kjeldsen-Kragh (91) showed fasting and a lacto-vegetarian diet significantly improved patients over 12 months. In 1994 he checked after 2 years and found still significant benefit, but linked it to a psychological belief in the patients in alternative medicine. Seignalet (92) showed on a raw diet 36 out of 46 patients significantly benefited with 19 in complete remission.

Burney (87) connected salt and asthma mortality, confirmed by Medici (93). Soutar (97) decreased vitamin C and manganese intakes increased risk by 5 times concluding diets low in anti-oxidants gave rise to increasing Western asthma rates.

50% lower risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases by consuming five or more servings of F&V daily; Ames 98.


Protective Factors in Plants

Stienmetz and Potter (91) found dietary fibre binds toxins and plant substances can induce new enzymes that detox. He suggested humans’ metabolism is adapted to high plant intake and cancer may result from lack of these substances essential for metabolism.

Cruciferous vegetables induce enzymes that detoxify carcinogens; Prochaska 92. Brassinin from cabbage inhibited mouse lesions on the breast and skin and protects against the initiation and formation of cancer; Mehta 95. Dragsted (93) found antitumourigenic activity from F&V and tea and coffee, cereals, beans and oil which inhibited genotoxins in mice and rats by 55-100%, on average 55%, see Murray’s chart p.96. Fractionated urine from a plant based diet had isoflavonoids containing genistein at 30 times normal levels. These suppress vascular endothelial cells which are necessary for blood vessel growth of tumours.

Anti-oxidants are prolific in plant foods.


They catalyze (speed up) chemical reactions.

They can break down molecules releasing chemical energy. They mediate processes in the cells transforming chemicals to living protoplasm. Raw foods keep enzymes active and intact with the result that the enzymes can be used in digesting food once consumed and therefore reduces the amount of energy required to digest.

Enzymes are proteins made up of amino acids that are folded into shapes that attract by electrical charge substrates of other molecules. These substrates are held and a reaction takes place, the molecule is released and the enzyme reforms itself.

In a metabolic cycle several enzymes in succession breakup large molecules releasing energy. Usually sugars are broken down. Or in reverse an enzyme may build up (synthesis) a molecule such as glucose to glycogen in the liver.

1. Metabolic enzymes a) break down molecules to maintain body temperature, and to perform the physiological processes of work and motion in the organism; and b) synthesize large complex molecules.
2. Digestive enzymes break food molecules up; amalyses reduce carbohydrates to sugars; proteases turn protein to peptides and amino acids; lipases convert fats to glycerol. The pancreas produces these enzymes, but they can be produced elsewhere and are present in white blood cells called leucoytes.
3. Enzyme action is reversible A<=>B+C. Where A is the initial molecule and B and C are the products after enzyme action. IF B and C are not removed from the reaction site then they are converted back to A once the supply of A is reduced. Murray tries to explain this on page 99 not very effectively.

Raw foods keep their enzymes so reverse synthesis can occur in the digestive tract to breakdown food molecules. Animals use this process in fore stomachs (ruminants have three stomachs) which have no (endogenous) digestive enzymes and so rely on protozoa and plant enzymes (exogenous) to digest.

Heating enzymes more than 50-80 C destroys their electrical folding and so catalytic ability making them inactive proteins. Pasteurisation does this at 61 C; Dressler 90.

Disease and enzyme deficiency

If there is a malfunction in the enzyme system there is a partial shut down of energy to tissue. Rare genetic diseases may have a complete lack of particular enzymes eg. In Phenylketonuria (PKU), which can be treated by dietary manipulation providing that enzyme. If a digestive enzyme is deficient, supplying the digestive enzyme can rectify the malfunction; Nakamura 98. Enzymes affected by toxins produced similar symptoms to degenerative diseases ie. Krebs Cycle where acetate metabolises to citrate. Sodium fluoroacetate metabolises to fluorocitrate using the same enzyme but will not react with further enzymes in the chain so jamming the path; this enzyme operates in heart muscle so the chemical toxin can cause catastrophic results.

Dr E Howell in 1985 proposed that cooking destroys enzymes giving rise to degenerative disease by increasing pancreatic secretions needed to digest, causing stress to other tissues deprived of enzyme energy thereby ceasing normal function. The medical view is that exogenous enzymes are destroyed by gastric acid juice so are not necessary.

Howell pointed to enlarged pancreas in humans as opposed to raw food eating animals. Maladaption to the environment causes degenerative disease; Eaton 89.

Howell theorises that there is:-
1. A total enzyme potential = limit on total metabolic and digestive enzyme synthesis = duration of life. Vitality is in proportion to catabolic rate (wear and tear on organism) and this decides the life of the organism. Enzymes levels decrease in tissue over time; Univ Toronto.
RAW DIET = E in digestive system + E of raw plant > metabolic potential by supplying enzymes => average life span >
Animal tests show less calories means a longer life because less food to digest means less use of potential enzymes.

2. Enzyme stomach exists in our fore stomach (cardiac) which digests using food enzymes for 30-60 minutes. Then the stomachs enzymes pepsin commences to act and gastric acid inhibits the exogenous enzymes. Brook (85) stated the bolus of the stomach has a high pH initially to allow salivery amalese to digest ie. remains alkali. This 1/3 proximal stomach acts as a reservoir while the distal stomach churns and empties; Meyer 87 and Hendrix 80. The findus has few mixing waves to interact with gastric juices; Tortura 81. However, hydrochloric acid secreted by parietal cells exist in 25% of the proximal and 35% of distal; Hogben 74. Howell says the acid is not secreted for at least half an hour and that the bulk of the food in the bolus delays acid action, but there is no scientific data provided by Murray. Howell argues malt amylese an enzyme in barley survives the stomach therefore food enzymes can act regardless of the acid conditions in the intestine later. Enzymes in cereal, grain, and diary products were shown also to survive and Prochaska (94) suggests a disease enzyme theory similar to Howell. Lingual lipase is an enzyme protected by lipids’ substrates from acid; Fink 84.

3. Adaptive secretion says pancreas secretions adapt to diet, so less enzymes secreted in raw food diet and concentrations of individual enzymes vary depending on enzymes required. [Babkin (1904) found digestive enzymes secrete same concentrations, however 17 research papers since then have refuted Babkin; 800 times more amylase in hen to cat. Goldstein (27) , Abranson (35) and Monad (47) found enzymes systems adapt to conserve energy. Enzymes secrete at different concentrations depending on food intake; Bell 80.] According to adaptive seerology, reduction in cooked or processed fats and oils will reduce lipase in pancreatic juices so reducing enzyme demand on the pancreas. Lipase is unstable and not compensated by non-pancreatic lipase therefore more fat in a diet could cause digestive stress leading to disease; Layer 99.


Eskimos eat raw meat and show no colon or breast cancer. How can they digest a diet of 30-40% fat with little plant fibre using only their own enzymes? Howell asserts it is the retained food enzymes in the raw meat that do the digesting. Murray did not consider that maybe they chew it more so increasing digestion. On further discussions with him he stated it was not relevant.

Raw milk is enzyme rich with at least 30 enzymes which digest fat, sugar and protein in milk, but pasteurisation destroys the enzymes; Fox 81. Lipase helps it become rancid in the stomach. Howell quotes Potter’s book of 1908 which used raw milk to cure diseases, then says raw diary was used in diets of people living 90-100 years.

Comparative organ weights show humans to have comparatively larger pancreas to wild animals.

Industrial society consumes nutritionally dense foods which increase enzyme secretions and so may give rise to increased western degenerative diseases. Confirmed by comparisons with traditional societies.

Research shows protective effects of V&F due to exogenous enzyme action in the metabolic process.

Long living communities consume low density unprocessed diet with 70% plant food and low calories.

Studies show vegetarians have less disease than omnivores.

Enzyme Synergy

Prochaska in 1994 came up with a theory of synergism that “food enzymes interact with enzymes in the digestive tract to maximise the release of thermodynamic energy”. Heat destroys food enzymes therefore no synergism less energy and thus abnormalities in the cellular metabolism and so disease. He states that food enzymes can survive gastric acids and act in the intestines ie. wheat bran has phytase that digests phytate in the intestine and yoghurt has galactosidase that digests lactose, and enzymes from raw seeds can inhibit intestinal enzymes. There has been no firm research though Murray later stated to me there had been and was noted in his bibliography.


A living organism is the co-ordinated aggregate of an enzyme system in which the input energy of food powers the enzyme mediated functions of the organism. Disease may be the outcome when:
– 1. Food enzymes are destroyed by heat requiring replacement by endogenous digestive enzymes which overstresses the metabolism.
∑ 2. Degradation and reaction products from heating require new enzymes to be produced by the body to digest causing stress.

Watterson (97) suggested enzymes reaction energy causes pressure which is transferred to clusters of water molecules giving rise to motion of the organism. Richards (91) looked at factors controlling folding of new proteins into the active configurations of enzymes so that enzymes might be synthetically manufactured in the laboratory to create bioactive forms for industry. However Murray says there has been little scientific interest or research recently on enzyme systems and disease.

Immune System
Kouchakoff (30) investigated the phenomena that food eating increased white corpuscles (leucocytes) in the blood – digestive leucocytosis (DL). Raw food showed no increase. Cooked an increase, manufactured an increase and a change in proportions. If raw and cooked were mixed there was no DL Cooking had to be at temperatures over 87-97 C. DL carry enzymes which provide back up enzymes to deal with cooked food. He believed that therefore DL was pathological rather than a physiological result of eating.

Gaisbauer (90) found rawfood acts as an immunostimulant by creating antibiotics and intestinal flora. Allergies caused by immunoglobulins were reduced by rawfoods in 8 days.

The Future

  • Most scientists are not as a priority, researching dietary intake and the connection to disease, because advances in biotechnology have been so great that these are being focused on to solve disease problems.
  • However, Pritiken’s diet and a general alternative health movement starting in the 70s has been supported by public interest, due to rising health problems associated with processed foods and a questioning of this diet.
  • Hippocrates health centres use exclusively raw foods to heal disease.
  • Gerson (90) developed a therapy based on deficiency of oxidising enzymes and a lower than normal potassium to sodium ratio occurring in cancer patients. He used coffee enemas and iodine and potassium salts with 13 glasses of juice and mainly raw food meals to cure 50% of his patients.
  • Pritiken’s diet gave results of 50% cures to diabetes and 69% to angina. Seignalet (92) found rawfoods cured 19 of 46 rheumatoid arthritis patients based on enterocyte enzymes being non-adapted for modern food in most patients. Diehl (94) showed studies where atherosclerosis was reversible by dietary changes.
  • Murray concludes the philosophy that biotechnology will provide a cure is the reason why raw foods is being ignored in the mainstream, however independent researchers are beginning to question the old paradigm and there is grounds that medical attitudes are slowly changing to consider diet and health.

Note: references to the scientific papers quoted are contained in Murray’s book bibliography


I. Love - Holiday Retreat Naturalist Centre

  1. Hotel and resort
  2. Restaurant
  3. Themepark and kids' world
  4. Arts and music centre
  5. Matchmaking singles and marriage centre

II. Oneness - Ascendance Meditation and Spiritual Centre

  1. Closer to natural order
  2. Spiritually allows attuning to body and nature
  3. Lightness in body allows heightened perception of auras
  4. Final step to breatharian state and moving to the light body/angel
  5. Loving kindness and compassion is central core of the spiritual progression
  6. Use of vipassana and yoga techniques

III. Purity - Hygienic Health Centre

  1. Benefits to Society and Medical Treatment
  2. Key to true peace of mind – mental health treatment clinic
  3. Cure diseases
  4. Preventative medicine
  5. Bring balance and good health to the community and the public
  6. Teach raw food nutrition and natural hygeine
  7. Provide alternative medicine therapies including massage

IV. Envirocentre
  1. Huge reduction in damage to environment
  2. End exploitation of animals
  3. Sustainable agriculture
  4. Research to determine and enhance organic fruit and vegetables nutrient content
  5. Massively reduce land wastage in food production
  6. Zero pollutant
  7. Processing and industrial waste almost zero
  8. Permaculture techniques
  9. Spiritualisation of food enhancing nutrient value using natural cycles
  10. Astrological impact assessment on natures cycles and plant growth
  11. Self sustaining food mechanism for future domed interplanetary space ports


The global vision – government ideology for future development of society.
James quotes from his diary a crucial chapter in his life:-

“I spent time at the Canberra City Backpackers again in the sauna and spa, it was almost Christmas 2001 and I connected with my father, an ex Gordon Highlander officer, staunch liberal, monarchist and jungle fighter, we spent Christmas together and the next few days, he invited me to stay on in his house, but only if I left at 8.30am and returned at 9.30pm for the 12 days of Christmas. The Sydney fires raged over Christmas and I rang and offered my services to the firefighters who kindly declined. I wrote my government’s policy for the Worldwide Network of Ascension (WNA) [and modified it September 27 2007 at Continental Guesthouse, Daylesford].":

Suggested long term desired framework for the new world that will be under the Unification Organisation of Collective Ascension (UOCA): {HQ at Project Eden} for more detail see Please understand that these are not the goals of UOCA currently - for them see the UOCA Constitution. These are some suggested ideals to work towards to create a utopia on this planet to make it a healthier more peaceful and loving world over the future ten thousand years. All these ideas are dependent upon approval of UOCA members including how to implement the details. The ideas may change or be dropped completely subject to verified scientific and social research showing that it is in the overall interests and benefit of the health and prosperity of all humanity. In particular no harm must accrue even to a minority of citizens as a result of this plan. And consideration must be made for the races, cultures and ethnic diversity including religion of humanity. For instance immunisation will only be gradually phased out once diseases are eradicated. Cooking banned only once the rawfood diet is proven the only safe diet scientifically by research. Same goes with other phased banning of any substance or activity and it is to be noted that 'phased' means gradual reduction over a long time span where the results are scientifically monitored to prove beneficial to all. 

Breatharianism will be scientifically researched in due course as part of the spiritual evolution of humanity. It will be done in a way that protects any person involved from harm. And in conjunction with the evolution of humanity in general as the population changes its diet from meat eating to veganism, which is already happening, there will be a spiritual change in the human being such that they become more peaceful and kind as a result. And their bodies will change moving more towards the subtle energy and Prana life force to survive. This will all be carefully monitored and experimented in research facilities with universities in order to prevent any abuse, fraud or harm of any kind. The purpose of this is to liberate and heal the collective consciousness of humanity, not cause harm or deceit. If any of these aspects are disproven by research, then the idea will be altered, discarded or modified for later experimentation at a higher spiritual level as humanity Ascends.

Ten Thousand Year Plan - in order but subject to change
  1. Bring Enlightenment via holistic system of balanced spiritual awareness through health, exercise and nutrition by creating the prototype utopia for the planet - Project Eden
  2. Phasing in laws to implement the ten rights and obligations of humanity per the UOCA Manifesto which will form the basis of the UOCA World Constitution for humanity. And must be incorporated into each regional constitution. This will form the charter of basic human rights and assist in the evolution and ascension of humanity spiritually, economically, socially and will form the ultimate only religion for humanity that will be the truth and be proven completely by scientific and mathematical research particularly from physics.
  3. Phasing out of current dogma based religions but keeping them as historical cultural relics to be preserved for historical research purposes into evolution of humanity. All religions to be replaced by the UOCA ascension spiritual path and religion which will incorporate all the major religions into it but be largely based on the Yoga system and scientific research. It will be an evolving religion with no set dogma, bible or text. It will be very similar to the scientific method of proof, hypothesis and analysis. The two methods will become inseparable. As scientific research proves psychic phenomena the more intuitive spiritual sources of UOCA religion will be proven and refined by the scientific method to ensure they are valid, truthful, accurate and testable.
  4. Phase out current system of nation states which are pseudo-democratic and in fact controlled by a capitalist elite. Use current pseudo-democratic political system to reform the government and constitution. If necessary use people power organising a non-cooperation, non-violent reform movement similar to those Gandhi used via WNA collectives set up in all communities across all racial, cultural and religious sectors. Regional governments and parliaments will replace nations on the basis of universal enfranchisement. Former nations will be amalgamated into large Regional governments. Population sizes will vary depending on population densities, geography and culture/ethnicity questions. Congresses will be formed with representatives to determine the size, amalgamation process and geographical make up of each Region. Former nations will democratically vote to determine which region they join if there is conflict in regions bordering each other. Geographical considerations will outweigh ethnic and cultural affiliations in determining which regions nations will join. In some instances former nations may by vote agree to divide to go to different regions if approved by the World Government.
  5. Initially use a reformed version of PROUT (Progressive Utilitarian Theory - formulated by Ananda Marga) based on economic statistical modeling to work with government to restructure the society's economy. There will be a gradual process which places Major industry under government control, medium industry under co-operatives, light industry under co-operatives or limited private ownership with income caps. This will be replaced by UOCA Economic Theory to be developed and evolve from PROUT. Wealth will thus be redistributed to the people as a whole and be generated for the benefit of all. No longer will the class of ultra rich exist. People will be rewarded according to their work output and quality of work rather than through control of capital and ownership of assets used to manipulate and exploit others for profit, however it will provide incentive to innovate and reward for this. This economic system will have similarities to communism, however will be distinctly different in that it will have a spiritual base to it accepting an universal divinity. Unlike the failed communism of the Soviets this system will use market economics, supply and demand and competition to ensure consumer needs are met as well as efficiency - to this extent it will be closer to current Chinese Communism though far better and fairer than this system which is still corrupt, lacks rule of law and has ultrarich. It will also not use violence to achieve any of its purposes. It will be a communism that works and replaces capitalism, because it will be a more efficient, equitable, creative and progressive system than capitalism - in a word it will be a much 'collectively richer' system than capitalism. It will increase the wealth and happiness of humanity throughout the entire planet at a vastly exponentially greater rate than capitalism will ever achieve. It will motivate people to work through love of others not profit or greed. It will end the disgraceful inequities that allow ghettos to coexist with the super rich. It will be accepted for this logical reason. This will be a gradual transition process that is scientifically and economically tested to ensure it is better and produces better results before it is implemented to replace the market capitalist system.
  6. Reform government and constitution giving each party a number of ministerial positions according to the % vote they won at the election - a committee of the parties determines which positions are allocated to each party - the party system will gradually be removed.
  7. New system replacing party political system of representative democracy. Combining for instance all political parties such as Nationals, Republicans, Liberals, Democrats, Labor, Green parties into the Unification Organisation of Collective Ascension (UOCA). Factions will be permitted within UOCA government.
  8. Nations' constitutions will be replaced with New Regional Constitutions with an elected President and may include a senate representing a Confederation of their former Nation's Provinces or States (not Nation state) and local communities; State/ political process to be streamlined to end duplication; Cabinet of Ministers to be elected by all representatives of parliament - eventually by the people via direct vote for candidates.
  9. Phased move from representative to Direct democracy where each human can participate and vote on legislation, rules and regulations at all levels via for instance cipher encoded signature and web cam via retina detection on the Internet on any and all legislation, regulations, committees and policy
  10. Create UOCA World government based on peace to replace the UN with representative elected based on one human one vote. Children over age 12 to receive a half vote. Voting is compulsory for all citizens. Regional governments will remain with their own parliaments formed according to the culture, ethnicity, environment and location specific to their region, but overall power will be with UOCA World. The PROUT model will form the basis of this.
  11. Phasing out of Nation States to be replaced by Regional Governments based on local socio-economic-cultural-environmental needs - see PROUT. These Regional parliaments or Congress will have certain regional specific powers that the World Government's overarching jurisdiction will be limited in order to protect that region's integrity, diversity and inclusivity of its ethnic, cultural, religious heritage.
  12. Reduce ASIO, CIA, MI6 and other intelligence organisations powers to eventually phase out and replace with UOCA World Intelligence. This will be truly an intelligent organisation directly accountable to the World Parliament and closely monitored by independent and parliamentary bodies. It will be under strict guidelines and regulations with severe penalties for breach to ensure it acts legally and is dedicated to the objectives of UOCA. In particular required to act with respect to all life, upholding human rights, human dignity, human freedom, non-violence, where the means to achieve will be put at greater value than the ends to ensure all Earth's citizens are protected by this body and also protected from any misuse within this body's organisation. Its members will be tested and monitored constantly. It will be a requirement that it work in conjunction with every other department so making it a holistic intelligence.
  13. Demilitarise - phasing out all armed forces world wide; initially replacing them with small regional military forces under a combination of control by the region and world government that will be phased out to be replaced by a single UOCA World Peace Keeping Force that is based upon using the most passive and peaceful means in any intervention and only on the basis all other methods have not worked. The members of this force will be scrutinised and tested thoroughly to determine their pacifistic belief system, high moral integrity and loyalty to UOCA's system and its determination to be non-violent. They will be tested to determine that they have an aversion to violence and do not wish to use it such that in any event that they are forced to so act they do so with extreme reluctance and knowing it is against their prime directive. This force will be very closely monitored by various World independent and government bodies with ultimate control resting with the World parliament. The intent behind it will be that it will be phased out and its weaponry and size reduced, in stages as various agreed levels of world peace and socio-spiritual evolution are met.
  14. Remove military weapons - phasing out most dangerous first such as nuclear, chemical, etc.
  15. Disarm population - phasing out most dangerous weapons first such as guns
  16. Police force to be phased out and replaced with UOCA Social Monitors who will be controlled and operate on a regional basis - their prime directive will be assisting the community to responsibly interact and peacefully develop in the principles and practice of UOCA. They will be highly trained in non-violence, social welfare and enforcement. They will have limited powers of enforcement based on similar but less stringent requirements of UOCA's Peacekeepers (see 10.). They will be monitored on a similar but less stringent basis as the Peacekeepers by their regional governments.
  17. Progressive implementation of globalised UOCA world economy. Staged removal of all regional borders and customs controls. Limited protections allowed to protect regional cultural development and heritage including industries that may be lost otherwise.
  18. Phased banning of gambling - worst first. Caps on spending based on individual income.
  19. Phasing out of prostitution to be replaced with Tantric sex education and morality schools. Proper yogic use of sex to be gradually introduced into school curriculums.
  20. Phasing out of private schools. All schools government controlled to ensure social cohesion and prevent elitism. Schools may vary according to regional differences and community differences. Once all religions are replaced with UOCA World Religion then the need for private schools based on religious differences will subside. Yoga to be introduced and incorporated into all teaching modalities.
  21. Phasing out of private media control. All media to be ultimately government-controlled and accountable to the people and monitored by the World Parliament and regional parliaments. The purpose of this is to prevent individual or groups manipulating or profiting off the people through control of media. Nevertheless it is crucial that the media be independent and considered a fourth voice in government as they are the means of educating and informing the people about what is going on. There must be strong safeguards to protect the independence, ability to investigate freely and be assisted in doing so by the media. There must be strict regulation to ensure the media is truthful and does not produce fake and misleading news. Social influencers through social media must be under similar control as will be their providers.
  22. Phasing out of private enterprise. All business controlled by government - local, regional, world.
  23. Initially this will follow the PROUT model of limited private ownership which will be phased out.
  24. Campaigns to bring population over to vegetarianism then vegan and reduce meat consumption
  25. Phased removal of genetic manufactured food, pesticides, fertilisers that are not organic; phasing out most toxic first
  26. Replace and invent alternative engine to combustion that is non-polluting such as electric and hydrogen. Invest in research to invent better machines.
  27. Phase out harmful electromagnetic radiation from population areas by inventing alternatives or methods of reduction
  28. Buildings including housing, offices, industry must be ergonomic, environmentally ecological and sustainable reducing carbon footprint and saving energy, water, and incorporating their own eco-system, energy generation, recycling and purification. Must be in harmony with nature and socially positive to humans and ecosystem.
  29. Phasing out of all polluting factories, plants or industries whether chemical, mineral, textile, electronic or any other - most toxic first to replace with environmentally sustainable low carbon emission and non-polluting plants or operations.
  30. Phasing out of all greenhouse gas emitting machines including all fossil fuels - worst first such as coal, then oil, then gas
  31. Energy production to be renewable, sustainable and non-polluting such as solar, wind or hydro.
  32. Energy usage to be reduced by more efficient machines
  33. Phasing out of nuclear power stations due to radioactive waste and development of fusion power
  34. Laws to prohibit animal slaughter, hunting, harvesting and farming; phased in with the most cruel removed first - this will also reduce methane
  35. Gradual prohibition of all drugs and progressively in order currently legal drugs or intoxicants or stimulants - cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, tea and chocolate
  36. Progressively meat and animal products made illegal - most cruel banned first
  37. Phase out violence/ pornography on TV/film, print and computer games/internet – all forms of media
  38. Phased development of AI and robotic technology to enhance human technology and civilisation with view to replace most dangerous, repetitive, demeaning and low skill jobs with robotics and AI 
  39. Campaigns to increase % of rawfood consumed by the population, eventually making it a legal requirement to consume at least 25% rawfood.
  40. Pharmaceuticals to be closely scrutinised and most toxic phased out first
  41. Progressively sugar products to be phased out and made illegal
  42. Refined processed food products phased out - most toxic first and made illegal
  43. All primary production to be organic, sustainable and improving the environment habitat
  44. Purify water system through biological filtration – remove fluoride and chlorine
  45. Phased end of immunisation programmes
  46. Phased end of animal testing
  47. Begin intensive deconditioning of population using UOCA holistic mind/body techniques and practices
  48. Progressively more stringent laws against swearing, abusive behaviour and violence
  49. Phase in legal requirement to eat 50% rawfood
  50. Phasing out all prisons and detention centres to be replaced with UOCA rehabilitation health centres. Phase in detoxing, re-education and rehabilitation facilities for criminals and social deviants realising it is due to a mental and physical health disorder
  51. Transition to non-profit local collectives
  52. Staged increase in legal requirement to consume 75% rawfood
  53. Phased in end to negative speech and thoughts using UOCA mind techniques
  54. Cooking food in any way made illegal with offenders rehabilitated - those unable to be rehabilitated are to be ostracised to regions where they can behave as they wish without restraint and can suffer the karmic consequences of their choices
  55. Symbolic translation to higher self - light bodies and 8th plus dimensions using breatharian system that will be only instituted and practised after scientific and medical research proves this evolution and transcendence of the human consciousness to be safe, beneficial and cannot cause harm.

Not necessarily in the following order.

IV. Profile of Founder

James Travers-Murison was born in the UK. My schooling was at Melbourne Grammar, an elite private school. He was brought up by a mother who taught in schools as a head of department, then as a senior lecturer in education at La Trobe University. She was head of the diploma of education, Dr Molly Travers. His Aunt was senior lecturer in special education at Melbourne University, Dr Pat Long, and his other Aunt was senior lecturer and assistant dean of Slavic Languages at ANU, Margaret Travers. Their mother was a Hawker from South Australia, original settlers and her grandfather was a founding father of South Australia, speaker and treasurer in the parliament, George Hawker, and her mother was the daughter of Sir William Stawell, Chief Justice, Acting Governor of Victoria and Chancellor of the University of Melbourne.

James’s father was a professional soldier and officer in the Gordon Highlanders and then the Australian Infantry. James' great-grandfather was a renowned surgeon who started the Erith Hospital in London coming from a family of wealthy Scottish jute brokers in the 19th Century Dundee.

James studied law, psychology [achieving a high distinction in his first year topping arts psychology with one other doing just one day study for the exam], economics and modern history at Monash University, then did his articles at a well-respected law firm in Melbourne, Sly &Weigal later Deacon, Graham James and now Norton Rose Fulbright. He then worked at E&Y and KPMG London doing corporate tax consulting. Having had a mystical meeting in a castle with a devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda after a relationship failure, he eventually gave up his job and started using hash, travelled Europe then the Middle East where he became vegetarian and virtually gave up alcohol. He ended up in India for 2 years searching for the meaning of life. Having practised many techniques of yoga, chanting and meditation, living in monasteries and ashrams including Osho, Chenrezig, Siddha, Sivananda, Hare Krisna and Satyananda, he became aware of the importance of integrating the intellect with spiritual practices, music, art, diet and physical movements. Learning holistic massage at a Rainbow Healing Festival near Bristol, UK. in 1992, colourpuncture therapy at Osho Multiversity in Puna, India in 1994 opened his mind to alternative medicine. Primal, Tantra, Breath, Modern Dance, Aikido, Tai Chi courses and classes in Puna have educated him in a multitude of techniques for deconditioning the mind. This gave him an awareness of the incredible potential of the human being, and its ability to free itself unconditionally from all suffering and so ascend to an angelic god state, beyond the conception of the mortal mind. To merge with the Higher Spirit’s light body and so incarnate as both physical and angelic beings. This tripartite Aeviternal process was analysed in detail by mathematician Wolfgang Smith. It is Vedic and Aristotelian - Patanjali's Ashtanga is the yogic path to It. To the mystic Kaivalya.

1995 he started and did a diploma in photojournalism. Investigated environmental, indigenous drug abuse, social, human rights issues relating to war. And started a magazine in 1998. He wrote a film about JC coming back, wrote a novel about the Templars and various short stories many scifi or fantasy based.

In 2000 he went to ANU to study Astrophysics but gave up not long after he started as he realised theories were infinite of creation and would never be solved by man without spirituality. In 2004 he studied to become a secondary teacher at ACU. Taught history, maths, business and legal studies in various schools, and English in South Korea. Meanwhile he attempted to start up a rawfood community near Cairns, studied yoga in India under various masters, met Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois and spent much time in Auroville, which he believes to be the future UN HQ and that of UOCA. Went to various yogic centres in Central and North America some connected to rawfoods. And Mayan ruins to meditate.  He campaigned against bullying in MGS. In 2007 he began UOCA ashram and the first ashram in north Queensland opened in 2011. In 2015 he did yoga teacher training at Rishikish and trained under many masters and in Thailand did meditation. He intends to start an ashram near Byron Bay first, then later construct Project Eden near Cairns.

V. Physics

His universal theory is based on Superstring Theory. This being that there are 7 rolled up dimensions linking all forces to matter through the vibrational loops of the superstring and that each of these rolled up spatial dimensions corresponds to the base physical linking force in this universe.  That the 1st to 3rd dimensions are spatial, 4th time, 5th dimension is gravity. 6th strong nuclear force, 7th electro-magnetism and 8th weak nuclear force, 9th superstring - dark matter and 10th brane - dark energy. Each correspond to a yogic chakra point in the human body. They also correspond to evolutionary development in physical nutrition and diet which open up higher dimensions of spiritual and physical consciousness. 1st dimensional being is a pure carnivore, 2nd dimensional being is a carnivore with some vegetable intake, 3rd dimensional being is an omnivore, 4th vegetarian, 5th rawfooder, 6th fruitarian, 7th breatharian, 8th ascended being – no breath, 9th demigod or astral lord – astral plane and 10th godhead – ethereal body. ESP, telepathy, psychic powers, astral soul travel and god self-realisation develop in the higher dimensions giving greater awareness and eventually powers over the physical forces contained in lower dimensions Integrating physics with an outline of his vision for a new age is a community of love and health where the aim is immortality, eternal youth and vigour. A reversal of aging through diet then breatharianism to merge the physical with our light bodies. The Brane concept of creation – is that binary brane universes represent the two hemispheres of    the pscychocosmic brain, and are linked by 5th dimension gravitational reality. Strong interactions of hadrons i.e. at short range between quarks in nucleons being mediated by gluons; quantum chromodynamics represents the 6th dimension of strong nuclear bonding – metabolically triggered by exogenous enzymes in the fruitarian diet activating genetic amines in the neurons opening the yogic third eye. The 7th dimension / electro-magnetism or quantum electrodynamics, represents the electric and magnetic fields propagated by the oscillation of an electric charge through interactions of photons, quarks and charged leptons at long range i.e. electrons, muons. Electromagnetic waves are composed of bundles of energy called photons. Intensity of the photons reflects the number of charged leptons and frequency influences their speed upon interaction. The ajna chakra at the crown of the head, enlightenment samadhi is a result of entering the 7th dimension breatharian state where the neurons electrons are polarised spin ½ to calabi –yau deterministic chaos bifurication magic number ½.502 9… (derived from Feigenbaum/Davis 87) so overcoming all quantum fluctuations.

The 8th dimension angelic light body integrates into the system Brane and merges with awareness of the forces of weak nuclear bonding between the fundamental fermions at short range; quarks and leptons mediated by photons or neutral bosons (Weinberg-Glashow-Salam model). Charge conjugation and spatial inversion symmetry (parity conservation) are transcended - symmetry broken; e.g. beta decay where a neutron emit a weak nuclear force boson which decays to an electron and neutrino and so changing the neutron to a proton within the atomic structure of matter (Pauli 1930). In this state, the necessity for chemical reactions where oxygen is transferred to haemoglobin then transmitted to cells to provide energy is no longer required as cellular energy can be generated through the weak nuclear force. IT is to be noted that the Quantum Electroweak theory of forces effectively joins QED and weak nuclear force to be one force.

The base universal constants K connected with each force system (such as the speed of light/ the absolute zero temperature) which relate to each unit of measurement are locked up in the 7 rolled up dimensions corresponding to Superstring Theory. How to solve the standard base universal unit system from each current unit of measurement (based on Earth dimensions)  from these dimensions will be solved using the universal constants associated with each of those units of measurement and once the universal measurements are discovered, this should enable all the forces and dimensions of this binary universe to be quiet easily and obviously linked in one simple mathematical representation of creation – Grand Brane Theory (GBT). See Super Brane for more.


VI. Advertising Poster

Help start a

Help create this dream heaven in our tropics and so ascend to our angelic being.
Begin the path to enter the 7th dimension of light bodies and so be liberated from suffering and return to our true god state.

1. WE need a place.

DO you know of a tropical rainforest haven WE could begin this adventure?

2. WE need to get together!

Are you moving towards rawfoods, are you spiritual, are you free to come and live in paradise, can you work for this VISION? Do you have skills as a healer, natural therapist, architect, environmentalist, administrator, builder, plumber, electrician, carpenter, labourer, gardener, webdesigner or any other skill?

3. WE need resources and money.

Would you like to invest in this PROJECT to transform the planet and evolve humanity? Even if you cannot directly participate, you can help fund or supply materials to this NON-PROFIT venture.




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